Tuesday, May 18, 2010





OHHHH Goodness!!! I can't believe I have not updated this thing in a month!! I deeply apologize!! I will make sure I update my blog more regularly from now on.

SO. Here's what has happened in a month:

Scotland/England Trip: AMAZING!!! Got to see my awesome cousins David and Robbie whom I stayed with for about 4/5 days in Sevenoaks, outside of London. Loved it there, Sevenoaks is beautiful and my hosts were FANTASTIC! Thanks so much David and Robbie!! After that, it was off to Scotland to meet up with Melina and her friend Emily, with whom we stayed with. SCOTLAND WAS AWESOME!!! Loved the landscape, the castles, the rugged coasts, the sheep-dotted fields, the people, the accent......AND THE KILTS!!! One of my main goals while being in Scotland was to get a picture of myself with a Scottish man in a kilt...MISSON ACCOMPLISHED!!!! I got one with THREE guys in kilts!! And they were everywhere....I loved it! I actually really like the Kilt outfit, guys actually can wear skirts and look good in them!! So lots of greasy food, we tried a deep-fried mars bar (which was not as good as I expected it to be) and Haggis!! Which I really liked!! Although if I am being honest, it wasn't the traditional Haggis and it was deep-fried (like pretty much everything else in Scotland...they love their fryers!!). Even though we only toured around Aberdeen, I felt that Scotland was definatly I place I will return too and that it is a hidden gem of sorts. After my trip there I really felt that if you dig a little bit, you can really find some amazing things in Scotland. For instance, we visited Slain's castle, completely abandoned, and it was actually the castle that inspired Bram Stoker to write Dracula!! When we visited it, it was just us...no one else around!! Here's another funny thing about Scotland, well more Aberdeen to be exact...almost all of Aberdeen's clubs used to be CHURCHES!! We were partying in old churches from the 17/18 century that had been specifically built for worship! How ironic is that!!! All together it was an amazing week and one that I will never forget....in fact whenever I think of that trip it makes me smile!!!

Than after returning, the kids were still on vacation so I was with them for two whole days, which actually went quite smooth, than on the wednesay it was off to Barfleur in Normandy to stay in the family's "summer home". It is actually Fabrice's dad's house, but he will be inheriting it when his dad passes on so they are welcome to use it anytime. Incredilbe village, incredible house from the 19 century..google Barfleur, it was beautiful!! Surpringsly, even though we were in Normandy in the north of France which is known for the D-Day beaches where the Allies landed in WWII and not particularly warm, the waters around Barfleur were a beautiful crystal clear blue! It really surprised me, it was something I expected to see in the south of France. Ate soooo much good food, from lamb to salmon to fish eggs to the very classic Beef Bourgingnon!!!! (Like in Julie and Julia!) I got to OPEN AND POUR a bottle of REAL, CERTIFIED Champagne!!! And Pam, just so you know, I did a really good job of it too!! :D

From there, life returned to a hectic normal. In between returning from Barfleur and my latest trip to Valence, I applied to university!! After a few convos with my very wise and awesome partner in crime Melina, I realized that I will come home with this amazing experience behind me and all these new people skills and other skills in general, and if I go to Uni, all these things will be fresh in my mind and be able to use them to there full advantage. However, if I were to stay in Penticton for another year I feel these skills would'nt be put to much use and that I might stagnate in Penticton for another year....those six months before I left were hard enough!! So I applied to McMaster University in Hamilton, even if I was late!! I'm going to try and apply for some more universities as well, so hopefully in the fall I'll be off to Uni!! :D

THEN, just this past weekend I went to Valence, which is in the south-east of France. Very cool place, we stayed at a friend of Melina's appartment there. Had another wicked weekend, Valence is sooo beautiful. Very different scenery from the Paris region. Lots of mountains with vineyards on them, valleys, and much hotter too. Day-tripped it to Romans-sur-Isiere, which is the shoe capital of France!! And, that particular day we were there was the national "Night of the Museums", which meant that after a certain time all mesums in France were open for most of the night and FREE!! So being three girls, which museum do we go to? THE INTERNATIONAL SHOE MUSEUM OF COURSE!! Wicked place...happened to have a cool exhibit showing all the steps of creating a good leather shoe, and Melina and I starting chatting up the shoe stylist there who was just sketching piles and piles of beautiful shoes! So we casually asked if we could have one and he said "no no no no! I will sketch a shoe for YOU!" So we each got our own personal shoe designed for us signed by the artist and everything!! it was beautiful!! I will definatly be framing it (at Picture this! ;P) and it will be proudly hung on my wall!!! We also visited this ancient catsle and village settlement completely perched on this mountain just outside of Valence. So cool!! It was called Crussol and I reccomend you all google it to see what it looks like because I can't do it justice describing it here on the blog.

And now you are up to speed folks!! Sorry for the delay, but at least there is lots to read in this post!! haha


Friday, April 16, 2010

UK here I come!!

Just a really short post to let everyone know that I am going to be in England and Scotland for a week!! Leaving tomorrow on the Eurostar (had a plane book, got cancelled because of the volcano, luckily managed to get a train ticket) to London, staying with my cousins till wednesday than take a train to Aberdeen, Scotland to spend the rest of the week there with Melina! WOOOO HOOO!! This week is gunna be a blast!!

That's all for now, expect a HUGE post about my adventures in the UK, and also about all my other adventures here in France!!!!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Dish on the Weekend!!


So, I left everyone hanging as to what happened over the weekend...well it was FANTASTIC!!!So this is what I did:

Friday night I went over to Melina's place, and we drank some champagne and just hung out before we started getting ready. We got ourselves all gussied up then took the 11:30 train to Paris. It took us about 45 mintues to get to the Bastille area in Paris, which is chock-a-bloc full of bars, restaurants, clubs and whatnot. We had done a bit of research and noted a few clubs that we wanted to try, but the first one we went to ended up being 20 euros just to get in!!! So we deceided against that and tired another one across the street where we only had to pay 5 euro for cover, but that ended up being just a restaurant and a bar!! They did have a DJ playing but there was no dance floor and Melina and I wanted to shake our thangs!! So we had a drink there, left feeling fairly dishearted but determined because it was just before 1:00 and all the metro stations had closed so we needed to find something to occupy us till 4:30!! So we ended up just wandering around a few streets which were just buzzing with people!! It was like it was during the day, only it was dark and 1:00 in the morning!! So we ended up finding a club purely by accident that had actually been one of the clubs we had thought about going too. It was called Le Balajo, had no cover, and it actually had a dance floor this time!! So that was great and we deceided to try it out. I think it had seen better days, but nevertheless, Melina and I made our way to the dance floor and started boogieing!!! It was soo fun!! The DJ was playing awesome music, everything from hip hop clubb stuff to salsa, 80's pop, popular songs now, and even some arabic influenced songs. All great songs for dancing!! It was fantastic!! Melina and I had a blast....and for all the female readers out there, if you are wondering...French men are EXCELLENT dancers, they can actually dance and move their hips! haha, sorry Pops, I had to mention that. So we ended up staying there till 4:00 I think, and then left the with this group of Lebannese-American, Morccan, and French people we ended up meeting at the club!! There was a guy from San Diego who was orginally born in Lebanon, his two French-Moroccan (I think) friends and the American guy's sister who was just finishing architect school in Morocco. So we were all starving from dancing all night long so we went to one of the cafes (there are a ton of cafes open till that hour, which are all hopping because most clubs don't get started till one and then no one really leaves till about 4:00) and had some food!! It was great fun hanging out with the people we meet and they were all sooo nice!! We had a blast! And the one guy had a car so he offered to drive Melina and I home to Saint-Germain which takes 45 minutes from Paris!! So that was so nice!! And don't worry, everybody else was still in the car, so it wasn't like it was just Melina and I in this dude's car. By the time we left the cafe, drove back to Saint-Germain and crashed at Melina's house it was 7:30!!! hahaha and we were just begining to crash! I was very surprised that I lasted that well all night!! It was awesome!! So I think we slept till three then went out and had some lovely pastries and coffee for breakfast/brunch/lunch whatever you want to call it, and just enjoyed the rest of the day.

So that was Saturday; Melina and I had planned to go out again Saturday night but she had to babysit and we didn't make the last train into Paris. So that was a bit of a let down, but we have many weekends ahead of us, so it wasn't that bad! So sunday I came back to Vernouillet and just hung out and relaxed. Monday and today I had class, still great. Today Melina and I finally talked to a couple of American and Canadian girls in another class that go out a ton, so we got the dish on all of the good bars and clubs in Paris. One of the girls ended up taking the same bus as I back to Poissy so we sat together and chatted and exchanged numbers. I think Melina and I will end up going out with them this weekend, and there is a big group of girls that go out all the time so I have a feeling we'll end up going out with them which should be interesting to say the least.....

Tomorrow is wednesday....gah!! Oh well, I just keep telling myself "One more day closer to the weekend, one more day closer!". Hopefully tomorrow will go pretty smooth.

Other than that, I have a three day weekend coming up and the family is leaving to go to Barfleur in Normandie to visit family for easter, so I have the house to myself!! Woo!! That will be a nice break! Not that I'm home much on the weekends anyway. Before last weekend I usually spent both all day saturday and sunday in Paris and usually wouldn't come home till 8:00. I also have to start planning my trip to Ireland this April. I have a week off so I think I'm going to go to Ireland, so I need to get my act together and start looking at flights and hostels and whatnot.

Soooo, wish me luck tomorrow!! Hopefully all goes well. (Fingers crossed!!)


Thursday, March 25, 2010

So just a quick post, I apologize for not posting in quite a while but this week for whatever reason I haven't had a lot of time for this kind of stuff. So I'll give you an abreviated version:

Weekend: Last weekend was great!! Saw the Arc du Triomphe, went up it, which was awesome, watched the crazies driving in the huge Round-a-bout around the Arc, which is so entertaining I think I watched them for a solid twenty minutes. Yes, it is that crazy!! Also went to the beautiful, beautiful Jardin des Tuileries, right neat the Louvre. Sunday turned into a sort of foodie day, tried ESGARGOTS and LOVED THEM!! (snails, if some of you are wondering) Had amazing hot chocolate (real mealted chocolate!! That's it!!), and ended the day with a cocktail outside at a nice little cafe with my friend Melina, who I also spent the whole day with too.

Week: For the most part, good. Wild Wednesday was what it was, wild but this time awful too. Won't go into details, if you're really curious just ask my mom and she'll tell you the story.

School: Awesome!! This is the first time in my life I am excited to go to school (like genuinely excited). For some of you who thought I liked high school just because I did farily well, well that statement is obviously a surprise, but I really didn't like school all that much. But I love my french course!! The stuff we learn is super relavant (we don't just sit there and conjugate verbs for two hours), our teacher is great and the girls in the class are pretty fun too.

Tomorrow (Friday): SO EXCITED!!! Tomorrow after work I am going to Melina's house in Saint-Germain and we are going to go experience Paris' night clubs!!! WOOO!! It's even more exciting for me because I can't go clubbing back home because I'm under-age (and I didn't have a fake ID either, haha), so this is kind of a first experience for me, plus it's PARIS!!!! WOO I can't wait!! And we will have to do it the Parisian way, which means staying out till 5:00!! Why? Well all the trains close around 12:30/1:00 so it's too early for the Parisian people to home, so they stay out till 4:30/5:00 when the trains re-opend again!! So that's what me and Melina will be doing!! After that we'll crash in her appartement. I have a sneaking suspiscion that Saturday will be a rough day!! hahahaha!!!

Well I think that is it for now, it's time for me to hit the hay.

Hopefully I'll post more about my adventures this weekend.


PS I've been here for one whole month already now!! I can't believe it!! Time has gone by so fast. Now I only have four months left! Crazy huh?

Friday, March 19, 2010

An Enjoyable train ride.........

Friday!!! WOO!! That means another awesome weekend in Paris!! I'm so excited!! This weekend, depending on the wheather, I will either A) spend all day Saturday at the Louvre if the wheather is crappy or B) Explore Paris' streets and parks if the wheather is nice!

This week went much more smoothly than last week, especially Wednesday, a.k.a Wild Wednesday. For those of you who don't know about Wild Wednesday, well, I have the boys for the full day because they don't have school. Instead of school on Wednesday the boys have Tennis and Judo lessons, so I have to drive them to their lessons too. Last wednesday was an absolute disaster, right from when they got up. This Wild Wednesday however went much smoother, so that was sooo nice!! Although I am totally exhausted come W.W. evening!! Everyday with the boys seems to go just a little bit smoother, so that is really nice. That doesn't mean I don't have stories to tell, oh no! Quite the contrary. In fact I have a real interesting one from yesterday:

After a really nice lunch spent sitting on the steps of St. G's lovely square with my new friend (Melina, the Canadian girl) eating what I think was the best sandwhich I've had so far in France, I started making my way home. From St. G I take the bus to the train station at Poissy, and then I hop on the train at Poissy which takes me to Vernouillet. So the train was almost at my stop at Vernouillet, and I was standing right near the doors waiting to get off. The train has two floors, and where I was standing the stairs to the second floor on the train were right next to me. There was an older lady standing on the stairs next to me, also waiting to get off the train. All of a sudden, completely out of nowhere, without any warning whatsoever, this old lady throws up! I gasp really loud since it surprised me so much and notice that she also spewed on me and my school books. Awesome!! Now it was only little liquid droplets, but still it was so gross!! She apoligized and I said it was OK, beacause I could tell she was really embarssed, so I asked if she was OK. But as soon as a I got off the train I dropped my books and wiped everything off. In the end, it wasn't getting puked on that was the worst, it's the fact that what if I contract some kind of crazy disease because of this lady??? Because when you think about it, why did she puke randomly on the train?? I hope it was only because she was carsick!! I don't want to get sick while I'm here!! Especially with the weekend coming up!! What if I've contracted a new strain of Avain flu?? But anyway, that was quite something!! When something wacky like that happens, my motto has been "If it's not a good time, it's a good story", which since I've been here is so true!

I also went for a run today, and I ran all the way from my french house to Vernouillet (it really doesn't take that long, about ten minutes) and it was so neat!! I ran all along the tiny streets of Vernouillet, and this little town is so charming!! There are so many old, old houses made completely of stone, and some of them even have huge stone walls built around them, almost like they were some kind of small fortress when they were first built! It is so neat, and in my imagination I can just see what the old houses must've looked like when they were first built, with farmer's fields all around them and little dirt roads.... It was fantastic!

I think this is all for now, I'll try to post some more pictures but they take forever to download on my computer so don't get your hopes up!!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pictures- The Boys!

So these are my boys!! The one on the left is Gregoire, and the other Thomas. For the most part they are good boys, but they can be a real handful and REALLY get on my nerves from time to time! But for the most part it is pretty good. The only day out of the week that I ABSOLUTELY dread is Wednesday. Every Wednesday they don't have school, so I have the boys for the full day, so that is almost twelve hours. God, am I ever exhuasted Wednesdat night! Today was, of course, another Wednesday, which went relatively better than last Wednesday (which was a disaster!), but I will blog about that later. Time for more pictures!!