Friday, March 19, 2010

An Enjoyable train ride.........

Friday!!! WOO!! That means another awesome weekend in Paris!! I'm so excited!! This weekend, depending on the wheather, I will either A) spend all day Saturday at the Louvre if the wheather is crappy or B) Explore Paris' streets and parks if the wheather is nice!

This week went much more smoothly than last week, especially Wednesday, a.k.a Wild Wednesday. For those of you who don't know about Wild Wednesday, well, I have the boys for the full day because they don't have school. Instead of school on Wednesday the boys have Tennis and Judo lessons, so I have to drive them to their lessons too. Last wednesday was an absolute disaster, right from when they got up. This Wild Wednesday however went much smoother, so that was sooo nice!! Although I am totally exhausted come W.W. evening!! Everyday with the boys seems to go just a little bit smoother, so that is really nice. That doesn't mean I don't have stories to tell, oh no! Quite the contrary. In fact I have a real interesting one from yesterday:

After a really nice lunch spent sitting on the steps of St. G's lovely square with my new friend (Melina, the Canadian girl) eating what I think was the best sandwhich I've had so far in France, I started making my way home. From St. G I take the bus to the train station at Poissy, and then I hop on the train at Poissy which takes me to Vernouillet. So the train was almost at my stop at Vernouillet, and I was standing right near the doors waiting to get off. The train has two floors, and where I was standing the stairs to the second floor on the train were right next to me. There was an older lady standing on the stairs next to me, also waiting to get off the train. All of a sudden, completely out of nowhere, without any warning whatsoever, this old lady throws up! I gasp really loud since it surprised me so much and notice that she also spewed on me and my school books. Awesome!! Now it was only little liquid droplets, but still it was so gross!! She apoligized and I said it was OK, beacause I could tell she was really embarssed, so I asked if she was OK. But as soon as a I got off the train I dropped my books and wiped everything off. In the end, it wasn't getting puked on that was the worst, it's the fact that what if I contract some kind of crazy disease because of this lady??? Because when you think about it, why did she puke randomly on the train?? I hope it was only because she was carsick!! I don't want to get sick while I'm here!! Especially with the weekend coming up!! What if I've contracted a new strain of Avain flu?? But anyway, that was quite something!! When something wacky like that happens, my motto has been "If it's not a good time, it's a good story", which since I've been here is so true!

I also went for a run today, and I ran all the way from my french house to Vernouillet (it really doesn't take that long, about ten minutes) and it was so neat!! I ran all along the tiny streets of Vernouillet, and this little town is so charming!! There are so many old, old houses made completely of stone, and some of them even have huge stone walls built around them, almost like they were some kind of small fortress when they were first built! It is so neat, and in my imagination I can just see what the old houses must've looked like when they were first built, with farmer's fields all around them and little dirt roads.... It was fantastic!

I think this is all for now, I'll try to post some more pictures but they take forever to download on my computer so don't get your hopes up!!


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