Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Dish on the Weekend!!


So, I left everyone hanging as to what happened over the weekend...well it was FANTASTIC!!!So this is what I did:

Friday night I went over to Melina's place, and we drank some champagne and just hung out before we started getting ready. We got ourselves all gussied up then took the 11:30 train to Paris. It took us about 45 mintues to get to the Bastille area in Paris, which is chock-a-bloc full of bars, restaurants, clubs and whatnot. We had done a bit of research and noted a few clubs that we wanted to try, but the first one we went to ended up being 20 euros just to get in!!! So we deceided against that and tired another one across the street where we only had to pay 5 euro for cover, but that ended up being just a restaurant and a bar!! They did have a DJ playing but there was no dance floor and Melina and I wanted to shake our thangs!! So we had a drink there, left feeling fairly dishearted but determined because it was just before 1:00 and all the metro stations had closed so we needed to find something to occupy us till 4:30!! So we ended up just wandering around a few streets which were just buzzing with people!! It was like it was during the day, only it was dark and 1:00 in the morning!! So we ended up finding a club purely by accident that had actually been one of the clubs we had thought about going too. It was called Le Balajo, had no cover, and it actually had a dance floor this time!! So that was great and we deceided to try it out. I think it had seen better days, but nevertheless, Melina and I made our way to the dance floor and started boogieing!!! It was soo fun!! The DJ was playing awesome music, everything from hip hop clubb stuff to salsa, 80's pop, popular songs now, and even some arabic influenced songs. All great songs for dancing!! It was fantastic!! Melina and I had a blast....and for all the female readers out there, if you are wondering...French men are EXCELLENT dancers, they can actually dance and move their hips! haha, sorry Pops, I had to mention that. So we ended up staying there till 4:00 I think, and then left the with this group of Lebannese-American, Morccan, and French people we ended up meeting at the club!! There was a guy from San Diego who was orginally born in Lebanon, his two French-Moroccan (I think) friends and the American guy's sister who was just finishing architect school in Morocco. So we were all starving from dancing all night long so we went to one of the cafes (there are a ton of cafes open till that hour, which are all hopping because most clubs don't get started till one and then no one really leaves till about 4:00) and had some food!! It was great fun hanging out with the people we meet and they were all sooo nice!! We had a blast! And the one guy had a car so he offered to drive Melina and I home to Saint-Germain which takes 45 minutes from Paris!! So that was so nice!! And don't worry, everybody else was still in the car, so it wasn't like it was just Melina and I in this dude's car. By the time we left the cafe, drove back to Saint-Germain and crashed at Melina's house it was 7:30!!! hahaha and we were just begining to crash! I was very surprised that I lasted that well all night!! It was awesome!! So I think we slept till three then went out and had some lovely pastries and coffee for breakfast/brunch/lunch whatever you want to call it, and just enjoyed the rest of the day.

So that was Saturday; Melina and I had planned to go out again Saturday night but she had to babysit and we didn't make the last train into Paris. So that was a bit of a let down, but we have many weekends ahead of us, so it wasn't that bad! So sunday I came back to Vernouillet and just hung out and relaxed. Monday and today I had class, still great. Today Melina and I finally talked to a couple of American and Canadian girls in another class that go out a ton, so we got the dish on all of the good bars and clubs in Paris. One of the girls ended up taking the same bus as I back to Poissy so we sat together and chatted and exchanged numbers. I think Melina and I will end up going out with them this weekend, and there is a big group of girls that go out all the time so I have a feeling we'll end up going out with them which should be interesting to say the least.....

Tomorrow is wednesday....gah!! Oh well, I just keep telling myself "One more day closer to the weekend, one more day closer!". Hopefully tomorrow will go pretty smooth.

Other than that, I have a three day weekend coming up and the family is leaving to go to Barfleur in Normandie to visit family for easter, so I have the house to myself!! Woo!! That will be a nice break! Not that I'm home much on the weekends anyway. Before last weekend I usually spent both all day saturday and sunday in Paris and usually wouldn't come home till 8:00. I also have to start planning my trip to Ireland this April. I have a week off so I think I'm going to go to Ireland, so I need to get my act together and start looking at flights and hostels and whatnot.

Soooo, wish me luck tomorrow!! Hopefully all goes well. (Fingers crossed!!)


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